Driving is a thrill but it can kill. Fellows! There is no other excuse of driving under the influence of alcohol or anything which could hinder the judgment of a driver. Actually there is a misconception; people drink and try to lower the hangover instantly by using coffee, cold shower and there are some other options too, but in real the influence of alcohol doesn’t low down that easily and please under this misconception one must never think he/she can drive. It is dangerous to each and every person on the road, because a drinker is just driving but there are sober people out there and they will suffer for no reason.
According to a study in USA approximately on average basis an under influence (alcoholic) driver, drives at the speed of 80 mph. before he/she got arrested first time, according to the same study in every 51th minute in USA somebody is whammed by a drunk driver, which is equivalent to approx.. 27 people each day. Unfortunately in some countries there are simply no such law and order for drunk drivers. But in USA there is clearly a no tolerance policy of less than 21 years of age group, absolutely there is no leniency for alcohol in the blood when fewer than 21 is behind the wheel. Irony is despite of so many live losses, still people are doing the same thing every day. Warnings, awareness programs, educational programs are conducted weekly but there is no impact on stringent natures. Cops are so responsible in this matter, in order to check the alcohol level in a driver’s blood (other than dope test) they have some simple exercise, like they may ask the drive to spell his/her name backwards or they draw a line color straight line and asked the accused to walk on it. If you are looking for drink driving lawyer to help you, just visit this link https://www.fourlionlegal.com.au/traffic-lawyers/
A driver with BAC (blood alcohol concentration) of 0.10 or above is approx… 8 times more dangerous on the road with the car (definitely while driving). There is some very common moral hazard too of excessive drinking, for instance; as per study conducted drinking is considered as a habit which is considered to be the most dangerous as it can impact the ability of a person to think clearly and positively, on the contrary it creates negative thought which could lead a person to depression. As per the study conducted in 2009 approx. 10,000 people expired due to the car accident (involving one person who was above 8% alcohol in the blood). Moreover, logical thinking and common sense are also negatively affected due to alcohol consumption and there is no need to mention that, critical thinking is always required while driving sometimes more than what people normally thinks. Listen! Folks habits one possesses is cool to have no matter how dangerous it is? But if the habit can be dangerous for other people Stop doing that anyways!